The Scholar

The class room is a place where we fill our brains with knowledge and cultivate skills for the real world. Many are constantly and consistently in search of a real job, chasing real dreams, all to acquire a real paycheck. Some are left with never ending tuition paired with student loans. The question rises, "What makes a scholar ?" Is it the amount of degrees you've accumulated and classes you've passed with flying scores? When you work hard, you'll surely reap the benefits. Many are familiar with the phrase," Action speaks louder than words." In this case, dedication speaks louder than a GPA. The competition is fierce and if you want to be the "crème de la crème", you'll have to give it your all. Another school year, another reason to succeed, another reason to dropout. The world is full of surprises and we are all just students of life. While we are preparing for success, why not dress for success?
Location | Houston St at Varick St
Model | Kiefer Dixon
Content endorsed by Lands' End